Thursday, September 04, 2008

Happy Birthday to the Love of My Life

Today is Mircea's 26th birthday (spring chicken that he is). I wanted to take a moment to share my love for him, though he never checks my blog and probably won't see it.
  • I love that we always laugh together about the stupid pictures of our "community areas" on every house we look at on the web. Like a picture of a twirly slide is going to make or break our decision.

  • I love that you love our pets as much as I do.

  • I love that you are always cool under pressure and help to calm my nerves with your peacefulness.

  • I love that you think Call of Duty is the greatest game ever created-and don't mind that I sit next to you playing the Sims2 all afternoon.

  • I love that we both think Picard and Data are fantastic Star Trek characters, and laugh at pretty much everything Data ever says.

  • I love that you clean the litter boxes more than I do, even though you whine about it, but come on, you're better at it.

  • I love that we both think the Coors Light/Coaches commercials are stupidly hilarious.

  • I love that we are buying a house together and taking the next step in our future together.

I love you with all my heart and soul and hope that you have a wonderful birthday! Hugs and kisses from Yukie and the Girls too.


Missy said...

Happy birthday to Mircea - and it is truly wonderful to see you happy. :)