Monday, April 26, 2010

Wedded Bliss

Mircea and I have been married for almost two months and it is great!  There are some subtle, magical changes between engaged (and living together) to married (and still living together).  While Mircea is still really busy with school, and will be for the next four years really, I have been in full on nesting mode.  It's kind of funny all the stuff I let go in our house (painting, decorating, etc) from when we moved in, but all of a sudden I'm in full on clean, organize, decorate mode.  I live and breathe to make our home comfortable and clean.  And sometimes it seems like the cats live and  breathe to make our home furry and stinky. 

Another interesting item of note is that for the first six weeks of our marriage, one of our friends was living with us as she goes through a seperation with her husband.  It was one of those double-edged swords: it was SOOOO nice having my close friend there but it was also hard for my fragile ego to have someone so adorable and wonderful living in our house...and thinking that Mircea wouldn't go "you know, I probably should marry that girl".  It's funny how insecurity works, but it's definitely something that I'm working on.  I don't feel too crazy though, it was definitely a big change, but still, I need to be able to feel confident in our relationship.  I'm only sharing it because it was definitely an interesting way to start out our marriage.  :-)

If you haven't seen wedding pictures, and you're interested, there are a few on our wedding blog and tons on Facebook.

I hope you are all doing well, I feel like with FB I'm definitely not as engaged in Blogland like I had been before.  I think from updates on others blogs that maybe they aren't either.  Either way, I do have some book reviews and yummy recipes to share and will make every effort to update those soon.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Losing Focus

How many people out there find themselves saying, "could I have A.D.D.?"  I find myself saying this at least three times a week and then feeling really guilty that I can't keep myself focused on one thing at a time.  I go from task to task, getting distracted by Facebook or emails, the cats, or the phone.  I never seem to be able to get anything done.  That's why I read in the bathtub-nothing can interrupt me in there.

While pondering this a couple of days ago, I got distracted and started surfing the internet.  That's when I realized that yes, I'm getting super distracted all the time, but it's because there are so many distractors-not because I should probably be medicated (for this!)  My life seems to be one gigantic distraction.  I could go into all the ways I'm distracted, but I'm probably distracting you from your own life.  So bottom line, I'm going to make an effort to focus on one task at a time, giving it my full attention from start to finish.  The Internet is truly sucking my life away.  I've turned into this monster who can't focus on one thing. I watch tv while working on other stuff, I find myself bored to tears if I'm just sitting without some sort of media in my hands.  I want out-and I'm getting out.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how they've decluttered their brains and focused on completing tasks at hand?

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Reading Challenge Book Review: The Virgin Suicides

No, I'm not dead, and yes, I'm still blogging.  Apparently I'm just blogging in my head though and no one gets to see what I write.  Although I had some setbacks in the reading challenge (I just couldn't get into Angela's Ashes, I tried, I hated it) I'm reinvigorated and ready to dive in.  My first jump: The Virgin Suicides by Jeffery Eugenides. 

I'm not really sure what to say about this book.  I really enjoyed his other book, Middlesex, but this book sort of left me with a bewildered look on my face and a big question "why?"  The story is told from the perspective of a now-grown man who witnessed the family across the street and the tragedies that struck their teenage daughters.  It sort of left me with an odd taste in my mouth because I kept wanting to know "why".  Were the girls so upset with the suicide of their youngest sibling that they simply went off the deep end?  Were they tired of being repressed by their parents, particularly their mother who allowed them little joy in their lives?  Unfortunately, none of these questions have answers, but I do think the book was very well written, though not a "tender, wickedly funny tale" as advertised on the back.  Funny it was not.  Although I might rent the movie at some point.  I'm guessing that point will be a very dark time in my life. 

Next stop...Tender is the Night, by F. Scott Fitzgerald.