Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Hey, it's Mircea...

So Sarah asked a pretty decent question: How do you pronounce Mircea's name? It's Meer-cha. As Robyn puts it "He's a meerkat doing the cha cha" and yes, that makes me laugh every time I think of her saying that.

I know that I've said a bit about him, but I don't want to be too "gushy" about him. I am absolutely crazy about this man and the best part of all is that the feeling is mutual. I've never been treated so nicely, NOR have I ever treated anyone with the kindness and respect that I treat him with. (So I'm not comparing him to anyone-got that!?!) He has taught me so much about what I want from a relationship and so much about how to give of myself as well. My life would have been very different if I'd learned that lesson earlier!

So enough gushing on and on about my handsome man. In just a few short days he'll be back in San Diego and I've got some fun things planned for him!

He's not a fireman, but who doesn't dig a guy in a uniform? I can finally see Patty's point about the hottie firemen...


Pa said...

see! put any guy in a fireman suit and instant hottie! I have yet to be proven wrong on this. You take the man out of the suit and it goes down significantly. Maybe it's the whole he saves lives bit that's such a turn on.

Kate said...

I can at least pretend he saves lives. He saved a cat's life, does that count? It does for me.

And if you take them out of the uniform aren't things getting hotter anyway, silly girl?

Pa said...

you know what i mean. let's take joe schmoe for an example. he's decent looking a 5 on the 10 scale. nothing to write home about, but you might not kick him out of bed either. put him in a fireman uniform and BOOM he's up to a 7 maybe an 8. take the uniform off, back down to a 5. now if joe just saved a life (any being's life) throw some soot on his face, rough hands and he might be able to retain that 7 without the uniform.

someone else can do the testing on my hypothesis, i'm a bit tired right now. i have wentworth miller on the brain. by the way, pretentious name? who cares! he's perfect! my name is long!

Pa said...

ok so it looks a bit stalkerish that i responded immediately, but i hit the back arrow instead of home and i came back to your comment section and saw you left one.

i'm not stalking your account or am i...

Missy said...

Kate - that is one very nice looking man. Seriously, and it is not the fireman uniform.