A test was done at the National Federation of the Blind's Headquarters with a Toyota Prius and a Honda Hybrid. Testers said the Honda was quiet but they could not hear the Toyota at all.
"I never heard the car until it actually touched me, I was shocked," said Pare.
When I drive I definitely scare some people (ha ha). I had a cyclist that I was following at a safe distance, and he looked back at me and almost fell of his bike. He didn't know I was there. A woman with two kids walked out in front of me when I was in the Food Lion parking lot. I had my window down and I heard her say to the kids, "Mommy didn't even hear the car." A couple of years ago when I rented a Prius for the weekend, we were driving around the Ikea parking garage and no one would get out of our way and they kept walking in front of us. They simply couldn't hear us. I actually find it a little annoying and definitely see the danger in it...though I love that it is so quiet. Just thought this was interesting.
48.3 mpg?? That's *awesome*!
I've been hovering between 40 and 41 MPG in mine since we moved to Bradenton, so you win this round... but I don't have an enormous obnoxious screen in the middle of my dashboard!
So let's call it a wash.
I'm going to say this once. You've stolen my car, I wanted a Prius back in the day.
That's ok though. You can jump on my SAVE THE WORLD bandwagon, we need more people.
Plus, my car is going to be Navy Blue. SMOOCHES!
Whoa whoa whoa Patty. I have wanted the Prius since they came out. I couldn't afford it when I worked at Enterprise and now I can finally afford it.
I'm actually offended that you would say that...
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