Last night I was on MySpace (which I hate) and someone left one of my friends a comment that had a silly picture on it. I typed in the URL to the picture and found this marvelous site. Now, most of the cats look pretty happy so its kind of cute. Two of my other favorite sites are Kitten Wars and Cats in Sinks.
All those cats are great, right? Well, if anyone ever has countless hours to spend on the internet (uh, I do!) make sure to check out this website about Oolong, this sweet little rabbit whose owner took pictures of him with assorted wares on his head. Its not so much that the bunny is so cute with the stuff on his head, its how much this guy really loved this bunny. For Oolong's site you might want to use Babelfish to translate some of the stuff. (Note: this site is also fairly useful for creating your own Engrish.) The guy also has another rabbit on the same site (Yeubing) and that site is in English because of the popularity of Oolong.
Not much going on here with me. I stayed up super late last night Waiting for Guffman (well, it felt like that) and then fell sleep after eating a donut and ice cream. No more bad food! I'm feeling like a fatty though I haven't really gained weight, I just feel icky. I attempted my 5 miler last night, but it was so hot at the drill hall that I just did 3 and I'm going to do the 5 tonight at home since I finally found my wrist GPS. The heat here has been ridiculous and I'm just plain sick of it!
Watched a lot of tv while waiting for no one to ever show up. Watched a hilarious episode of South Park that had us rolling on the floor laughing. Then I was introduced to the mediocrity of Curb Your Enthusiasm, which I thought was semi-humorous, but it could have been that I was too tired. I finally realized what the lame music from a now defunct radio station (Z-104) was in the background during their less than humorous recap of the day. It was the damned CYE theme music (and the last horse finally crosses the finish line).
Alright, I've got to get to work.
Blueberry Protein Muffins
2 days ago
I indulged, as well; last night I had *way* too much white wine. *Sigh*. I don't do well when I'm in DC all by myself! Me and the dog just lounged around and watched tv all night. Oh, well; what else can you do when it's this hot??
If you like those, check out what I found by clicking "Next Blog"
Cats and their Stereos
Loved the cat pictures!! Too cute!!
Tracy :-)
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